This X-Mas Give the
Gift of health

Full Red Light Therapy Session

Full 25-Minute Contour Light® Body Contouring Session ($249/Session INCLUDED)

Red Light Therapy SAUNA

Relax in a sauna for a variety of advantages ($125 INCLUDED)

Strategy Session

Consultation and treatments unique to you ($99 INCLUDED)

3D Digital Body Scan

STYKU - 3D Digital Body Scan ($99 INCLUDED)

Heal and Improve naturally.

Rejuvenate your body, mind and soul.

Shape Focus

Aimed at individuals under 35, this program prioritizes effective fat burning and body sculpting. It merges dynamic fitness routines with nutritional guidance to optimize inch loss and muscle toning. This approach not only enhances physical appearance but also boosts overall health and energy levels, making it ideal for the active lifestyle of the younger demographic.

Energy Surge

This aspect of the program for under 35s is geared towards boosting energy levels. It includes activities like high-intensity workouts and yoga, combined with dietary strategies to enhance vitality and endurance. This energizing plan is perfect for keeping up with the demands of a fast-paced, youthful lifestyle.

Stress Relief

Recognizing the stressors faced by younger individuals, this module focuses on effective stress management. It incorporates relaxation techniques like meditation, mindful exercises, and rejuvenating spa treatments. This holistic approach aims to reduce anxiety, promote mental wellness, and maintain a balanced, serene state of mind.

Skin Health

Tailored for the younger age group, this component emphasizes skin health and radiance. It integrates skincare routines with nutritional advice and lifestyle changes to combat issues like acne and early signs of aging. The combination of external and internal care ensures a clear, glowing complexion, enhancing both confidence and overall well-being.

Relaxation and stress management with infrared sauna session

FAMILY healthcare package

Detoxification programs for overall health and vitality

No meds. 100% natural

For a price of a hair color treatment, you can give a holistic care package to your family this Christmas.

Body Sculpting / inch-loss with 3d digital scan to measure and target specific areas

Take advantage of SAUNA + Red Light Therapy

Our COMBO Advantage

Combine Red Light Therapy while you SAUNA

Saunas offer a multitude of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, stress relief, and detoxification. The high temperatures experienced in a sauna cause the heart rate to increase, simulating a moderate workout, which can improve circulation and overall cardiovascular health. Additionally, saunas promote relaxation and reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals.

However, the combination of stress relief, improved circulation, and a slightly increased metabolism can complement a healthy diet and exercise regimen, contributing to long-term and overall wellness.

Red Light Therapy and Sauna

Health Benefits


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